Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The mind of an artist is a lonely place sometimes...

Concepts float about in the darkness, briefly flashing like fireflies in the night, bumping into one another, misshapen and bruised from being tossed about on the waves of inspiration.  
It is a dark, shadowy place, full of half conceived notions, failures, and ideas that will never see the light of day. 
And I am often trapped there too, floundering in the murky waters-stumbling through cobwebs and fragments of bones, feeling my way down dark hallways, slick with years of decay.  
Occasionally, I trip upon a flicker, a spark of inspiration.  It illuminates me for a brief time, lifting me up to the light.  I am whole. 
I want to invite you into the deep recesses of my heart and mind. Make you see what I see, feel what I feel.  I want you to know who I am, at my very core.  I want to share myself with you.  Illuminate us both.  
But for now, I will retreat into myself, drawing in my wings, tucking my head into my chest, arching my crooked spine until I am fetal.  
I am alone in here.  

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