Thursday, January 3, 2013

Guard your soul from those who wish it ill. Be careful who you bare it to.

You cannot measure someone else's pain or feelings based upon your own.  We all feel things differently.  We all react to things differently.  Some of us are more susceptible to pain and express this pain in ways you might not.  Some people can ignore the pain, some people can move on quickly from overwhelming pain.  And some people cannot. They are entitled to their feelings and deserve love and kindness to help guide them through the darkness.  Comparing your pain to theirs isn’t good.  It only creates feelings of “at least they have (blank)”, “at least they are (blank).  Believing that someone’s pain is not valid due to their particular situation (more money than you, bigger house than you, more friends than you) does not help. 
People deserve time to grieve.  You might grieve less than them, or not at all.  Everyone copes in their own ways.  Do not throw someone away for feeling more than you.  That person could just teach you a valuable lesson in living and feeling deeply. 
Be careful with people’s hearts.  Be careful with your own.  Guard your soul from those who wish it ill.  Be careful who you bare it to. Choose carefully.  Open your heart gradually. 
But always, no matter what, remain the loving, caring person you are.  
There is always hope….

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