Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The curse of a not so social butterfly....

I greatly enjoy getting out, talking, meeting new people, sharing ideas, collaborating on art, being an ear for someone who may need it. I love learning about people, sharing a part of myself with them, growing, laughing, loving...
Lately, 9 times out of 10, I have been ignored completely, stood up or given a lame excuse. I am not asking or looking for sympathy here.  I just don’t understand it. Is there something about me I don’t know about, that turns others off? At this rate, it seems there must be. 
I cannot change someone.  I cannot beg them to be my friend.  All I ask is that you treat people how YOU want to be treated.  If someone offers you an ear, a shoulder to cry on, do the same for them when they are in need.
By offering all they have, without receiving anything back, it drains a person.  Don't kill their light.  Let them let it shine. Take advantage of their love. 
Love others.  Treat people with respect.  Get to really know people, deep inside.  Let someone open up to you if they offer it.  Don’t push them away.  Who will be there for you when you have a need?

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