Monday, November 26, 2012


To whom it may concern,
  I am not looking for sympathy from any of you but this year, too many of my 'friends' have tried to convince me that I am not a good friend, I am selfish, I am not worthy of kindness or respect, I am egocentric, too sensitive, emotional, crazy. I am not going to be involved in your drama any longer. If you have an issue with me, talk to me about it. 
Do not ignore me, put me down, try to make me feel like a horrible person, throw me away. All you have done is isolate me and drilled it into my brain that I do not deserve love. All I want to do is love and be loved. I am not a bad person, if anything, I care too much and am hurt too easily. If that is too much for you to handle, so be it but do not take your inability to be friends with a sensitive soul out on me. 
 Yes, I hurt, yes, these actions have broken my heart. Yes, I get upset when people push me aside. Is it a crime to care so much for my friends? 
I love you and only wish you could love me back and accept me too.

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